Speed Deck 700

Speed Deck 700 longer lengths offer unrivaled performance, water-carrying capacity, security and concealed fixing
Stramit Speed Deck 700 or otherwise know as Speed Deck Ultra Concealed Fixed Decking gives excellent durability in almost all locations. With all of its fastenings protected beneath the decking, Stramit Speed Deck Ultra Concealed Fixed Decking can be expected to outlast through-fixed roofing. However, it is important to choose the correct coating for each application environment. Durability recommendations do vary based on the application of the product in roofing or walling installations.
However, it is important to choose the correct coating for each application environment. Durability recommendations do vary based on the application of the product in roofing or walling installations.
- 700mm Cover - easy sheet coverage calculations
- Wide Cover – fewer sheets and quicker installation.
- Deep Ribs – stronger and stiffer with better water carrying capacity; roof slopes as low as 1°.
- Full Width Clips – to locate ribs and compress insulation.
- Four Fixing Points Per Clip – with centralised fastening for unsurpassed strength.
- Hexagon Head Screws – bigger, stronger and easier to install, with less wastage.
- Outstanding Wind Load Resistance – improved security with lower purlin costs.
- Spring Curving – data for arched and curved roofs.
- Automatic Bird Proofing – built in accessory with no need for extra components
- Proudly Australian Made